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Prefab Logic

而非现场建筑项目与完全在现场建造的项目受到相同的建筑规范要求, the process of verifying code compliance is very different. Regardless of where units are built, 模块化项目必须符合建筑将被占用的地方的规范, which adds complexity to jobsite inspections.

对于现场建造的项目,当地检查员可以定期出现在现场,看看是否一切都做得正确. For off-site construction, 当地官员没有这样的机会,因为施工是在数百英里外的工厂进行的,部件到达工地时是完全密封的. Depending on the project’s location, one of two approaches is used.

In 35 states, 非现场部件的检查在州一级集中管理, while site-specific responsibilities, including assembly of the components, site work and utility hookups, fall under the purview of local authorities. In these states, 模块组件的计划评审和厂内检验是国家项目的职责.

许多州的计划允许使用认可的第三方计划审查和检查机构,如ICC NTA来提供这些服务. 这使得检查工作能够向前推进,而不需要州政府官员访问制造设施, which could be far outside their home jurisdictions. 将计划审查和检查交给具有非现场施工专业知识的机构也是高效和有效的.

In jurisdictions without a statewide program, 地方官员负责对非现场项目进行全面审查,尽管他们往往缺乏有效进行审查的能力. In many cases, the locality can delegate authority to a third-party provider, but this is often handled on a case-by-case basis, creating efficiency challenges.

For example, 犹他州没有全州范围的非现场施工检查计划, 盐湖城要求辖区内的所有项目都要接受当地官员的检查. 不幸的是,地方官员不被允许到辖区外旅行. 这意味着,除非工厂位于城市的限制范围内,否则不能在城市中建造非现场项目.

To address this challenge, 该市采用了国际规范委员会和模块化建筑研究所制定的两个标准- icc /MBI标准 1200 and 1205–which capture best practices for off-site construction. ICC/MBI Standard 1200 covers the planning, design, fabrication, and assembly process, and Standard 1205 covers the regulatory and inspection process. 两者都认识到,当有一致性时,非现场建设是最有效的.

而非现场项目则受到与现场施工相同的建筑规范要求的约束, building codes are not written from their perspective. 州与州之间,甚至地方与地方之间监管要求的差异也给可能向多个司法管辖区交付组件的工厂带来了挑战. The ICC/MBI standards were developed to help overcome these issues.

这些标准提供了一组重要的定义,以帮助支持非现场建设的持续增长. Most critical is the definition for off-site construction itself:

“A modular building, 按照本标准设计和制造的模块化组件或板式系统,全部或大部分在制造工厂制造或组装,以便在单独的建筑工地安装或组装和安装,并且以这种方式制造,所有部件或过程都不能在安装现场进行检查,除非拆卸, damage to, or destruction thereof.”

该定义专门针对“封闭建设”的概念,这意味着构件到达工地时,建筑的各个部分已经密封, making it difficult for local officials to inspect. For these elements, 当地规范官员的作用是确保组件在国家计划下进行了审查和检查(如果存在的话). 符合性信息可以在状态标签(通常是第三方检查标签)以及指示相关代码和设计标准的数据牌上找到. Once this is verified, 当地的规范官员可以在现场监控组件的安装和互连.

In addition to the standards, 国际商会制作了各种资源,以帮助规范官员和整个建筑行业. The Primer on Off-Site Construction, Codes, Standards and Compliance 检查不同类型的非现场施工和适用的规范, standards and compliance processes. Additional resources are available on

Contributed by Ryan Colker, International Code Council